How to use the Scan2Save Kit and How it Works

How To Use The Scan2Save Kit And How It Works

How You Use It


Complete Registration by following the “Register-Steps”


Inform the selected Emergency Contacts that you have designated them as such.


Stick the stickers on your Helmet, Behind your Phone, On the windshield (the sticker that can stick from inside) – we suggest that you do not keep this in the wallet etc.


Add the key fob to your vehicle's key chain

How to register?

Open your New Scan2Save Kit and scan the QR Code. You will reach the REGISTRATION page

Basic Information

Basic Information

Just put in your basic information like, Name, Age, email id etc., as directed.

Medical Information

Put in your medical information. only the one you’d like people to know if you are in an emergency situation

Medical Information
Emergency contacts

Emergency contacts

Add 3 emergency contacts as directed, it’d be relevant to add numbers of those who are prompt to respond if they get an emergency alert from your side.


Add your residential address with landmarks.. rest assured (this is not displayed to anyone when scanned), And you are good to go!


How it works

Person who scans the QR code, gets first hand information about your name, age, blood group and any health conditions that you may have.

How it works
  • The QR Code is Scanned
  • The person sees this… Your Name, age , blood group and any health conditions, your S2S ID They know that an alert has been sent to your emergency contacts and they have the option to call the police, ambulance, Fire department or even our S2S Quick Response Center. If they give your S2S Id, the professionals will have all your information. They can also check the link for near by Hospitals, Police Stations
  • Emergency
  • Testing/Error
  • SMS is triggered to your emergency contacts with GPS location. They may use the nearby Hospitals link or call our S2S Quick Response Centre to see what has happened or arrive at the location using the GPS coordinates given. Your Scan2Save kit has helped save your life

The number of alerts sent and people the alerts are sent to can be customized by us in case of tie ups with Hospitals or Corporate houses, in such cases, they will also get the notification along with your designated emergency contacts